Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Paying Search Engine
Dear Friend:
Here you can actually purchase your own Keywords
and own them and link your sites to them
and you can ea*rn commissions and profit
share when someone buys your keyword.
This is going to blow you away and I highly recommend
that you get involved, today without delay, and purchase
the keywords you want to own while this site is still
in beta.
Right now you can purchase these keywords for a song
but if you don't move now, the song could get very
The site is called KooDay.
And it sure has me Kooing and oohing and aahing
Take a look:
All the best
Maria Kokubo
and own them and link your sites to them
and you can ea*rn commissions and profit
share when someone buys your keyword.
that you get involved, today without delay, and purchase
the keywords you want to own while this site is still
in beta.
but if you don't move now, the song could get very