Thursday, September 15, 2011



This morning, the world's Central Banks
staged a unified intervention to prop
up Europe's financial system.

While the markets reacted well to this

news, you should be feeling a shudder
down your spine.

The reason? Because when the Central

Banks did this... they basically admitted
that Europe is undergoing a liquidity
Crisis even GREATER than that which
occurred after Lehman Brothers collapsed.

I'm not being dramatic here. This move

involved MULTIPLE Central Banks...
not just the Fed.

How bad do things need to be that

SEVERAL Central Banks have to step
in to keep the system together?

Bad. Even worse than 2008. I'm not

kidding. The situation in the financial
world right now is more dangerous
than any I have ever seen.

Sell all (remaining) shares now and
buy (more) gold!!


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