Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Bad News - I could not believe it...

...Yes. Bad News!
You haven't Joined 'Lawn Chair Millionaire' Yet!

Now The Good News:
And before you delete this email... just hear me out for a second !

This System Flat Out Works... and Pays Out Real Cash.... Fast.

My sponsor has made now over $2500 in 5 Days since the
LCM Site was launched.

2. You are Guaranteed to Make Money just by Joining and
Grabbing your share of the Moneyline!

3. I have VIDEO PROOF...at http://www.thenews.pro.tc

that showsyou LCM Account in the first 3 Days!

4. It is less than $80 to join and you can make over $2500 fast.

5. I have been PAID my commissions to my debit card already!

***This is the EASIEST Home Business I Have Ever Seen***

This program is such a low price to pay for AMAZING Results!

See My YouTube VIDEO PROOF at http://www.thenews.pro.tc

and then Join me on this Amazing ride and
Grab Your Share Of The MoneyLine Tonight!

All the best

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Monday, December 03, 2007


You could easily collecting $100 bills, starting today!

Hello my Friend:

So you're looking for a way to generate a TON of cash
without ANY effort.

You need to make some FAST CASH and can't wait for MATRIX to FILL
before you get paid.

You want an HONORABLE and LEGAL way to make MONEY online.

You want to pay OFF your CAR, HOUSE and CREDIT CARD bills
in the next 6 months.

You can join via Safe Pay, Alert Pay, E-Gold or money order.

Be willing to start TODAY and expect to make some cash

You want me to mail ads for you until you are QUALIFIED?
Then click now:



You will NOT get an autoresponder; you will get an email from ME

Hope to read from you soon!

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