Sunday, January 18, 2009


Urgent - Thank me later, NO cost

Hello my Friend:

I'm going to give you something - it
won't cost you any money

(unless you want it to) - but
by you giving it away to other people,

it may make YOU money!

This is something that I've been sworn to secrecy about
until this morning and which I'm delighted to say you
are among the very first to know about it.

My friend Harvey Segal has come up with a viral ebook
that has so many new ideas and twists in it that it is
just bound to take the Internet by storm:

It is called 'The Ultimate Supertip' and it is not just
an explanation of one of the most powerful principles
of Internet marketing, but also a fully working
practical demonstration!

You can have this book for free - you don't even have
to give Harvey your email address - and then
immediately give it away to your friends, subscribers,
website visitors, maiden aunts, long-lost cousins and
the really clever neat tricks that Harvey has built
into it will start to make you money right

But all that is the icing on the cake - download the
book, READ it from cover to cover, and learn one of the
most powerful secrets of Internet marketing at the feet
of the master.

And if you suspect I might be guilty of over-hyping
(I'm not), read it anyway and tell me what

you think.

Don't miss the viral tip, I have to admit it's brilliant!

Download it here free:

All the best


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