Friday, October 24, 2008


Take Your Money OUT of Your bankaccount

Hello my Friend:
This is NO ad.

You have seen the trouble which investment banks and
insurance companies have, this will NOT stop there.

The whole system is going to collaps, but they will tell
you until the end, that your savings are save.
They are NOT.

One day when all people rush to the banks there will
no money left.

And no merchant will accept any more creditcards,
because he does not know, if he ever will get the cash.

So what you need is CASH, cash will be KING!

Take out ALL your money from ALL bank accounts NOW
and hide it at home, do not use it, you will need it when
your creditcard is worthless!

If you do not have cash to take out, buy caned food
with your creditcard NOW, you will need it for yourself
and to trade for cash or other goods later.

Tell your neighbours! Even if they don't believe you,
you want to have a good relationship with your neighbours
in hard times!

Also stock medicine you might need and buy enough
drinking water or sodas...

Act NOW... don't wait !

All the best to you


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