Saturday, September 25, 2010
Schnapp - it pays!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Scammer Rant !
Scammers Filthy Rich In Your
Quest To Make Serious Money
Online, This Single Letter Could
Save You Thousands..."
A lot of unsuspecting online 'marketers' (a.k.a. scammers) are about to be embarrassed and exposed, right here and now. It's their turn to lose thousands now - but it's YOUR JOB to read every word that follows to make that happen.
Not only will my 7 specific scam warnings save you hundreds, or even thousands of dollars in your search for what really works to make serious money online.
...I'm going to show you how to FINALLY get on the fast track to bringing in a substantial cash flow online using a very simple, but powerful income & cash flow formula that uses actual tested and proven *marketing principles*...
And does it without sacrificing something every buyer deserves up front - THE TRUTH.Fill out the short form to get it!Labels: moneymaking, prevent scam, real pay, Scam, Scammer
Friday, September 10, 2010
Get your Paybox (Free!)
Why you should join today...
- You start with a $50 balance and it's free.
- PayBox will add up to $20 per day to your account for participating as we prepare to launch our new service.
- You get $5 per person you refer to PayBox.
- You'll be an EarlyBird user—before PayBox opens to the public.
- You'll help shape the development of the best payment system ever designed for the Internet.
- You could have hundreds or thousands of dollars in your account by the time we launch, without ever making a deposit!
Get your PayBox:
Labels: daily pay paying, links paying links, paybox, payment
Monday, September 06, 2010
Give the book away and earn referrels and commission!
Hi My Friend and thanks for stopping by the blog.
This is a great site just launched - with a VERY powerful tool for you to use for years to come.
One of the BEST ways of getting referrals in any business is to give away a FREE Resource about that business.
No matter if you want to make money with IBS (we pay to 5 levels!!), or Ashmax, GDI or any number of others - this site allows you to enter your own referral link into a GREAT Ebook and then GIVE IT AWAY to everyone you can find and build your downlines.
It gets 5 stars from me.
This is the book on IBS -

And you can get your own copy - rebrand it with your own link -
And then set it up as a giveaway on EVERY SITE YOU CAN FIND!!
So - Log in,
Rebrand your book for your favorite business, or businesses -
And proceed to give them away everywhere you can find.
Swom, Facebook, Twitter, every mailing list you can from the my programs area (in the menu when you log in)
The more you give away your books - the more referrals in great programs you can make.
Jump in -
Make the IBS book your first conquest and get it some peoples hands....
It is not Just IBS that you can get your own book -
but some of the hottest Biz ops Online.
Get your free books and get them into the world!
To your success
Maria Kokubo
Hi My Friend and thanks for stopping by the blog.
This is a great site just launched - with a VERY powerful tool for you to use for years to come.
One of the BEST ways of getting referrals in any business is to give away a FREE Resource about that business.
No matter if you want to make money with IBS (we pay to 5 levels!!), or Ashmax, GDI or any number of others - this site allows you to enter your own referral link into a GREAT Ebook and then GIVE IT AWAY to everyone you can find and build your downlines.
It gets 5 stars from me.
This is the book on IBS -

And you can get your own copy - rebrand it with your own link -
And then set it up as a giveaway on EVERY SITE YOU CAN FIND!!
So - Log in,
Rebrand your book for your favorite business, or businesses -
And proceed to give them away everywhere you can find.
Swom, Facebook, Twitter, every mailing list you can from the my programs area (in the menu when you log in)
The more you give away your books - the more referrals in great programs you can make.
Jump in -
Make the IBS book your first conquest and get it some peoples hands....
It is not Just IBS that you can get your own book -
but some of the hottest Biz ops Online.
Get your free books and get them into the world!
To your success
Maria Kokubo
Saturday, September 04, 2010
How to build your list fast
As you know, building your list is extremely important. A targeted list of subscribers will help you get more clients, sell more information products and create an extremely profitable online business.
Here are five best techniques for building your list:
- Social Networking Web Sites. Social networking web sites, such as Twitter, Facebook and others are extremely popular right now. This means that your target market is using Twitter and Facebook and other social networking web sites right now!
You should also start using the social networking web sites where your target market participates. When you get started, you will need to create a profile page on each social networking web site. Make sure to list a link to your newsletter on your profile page - that you way you will be able to gain more newsletter subscribers on these social networking web sites.
- Article Marketing. Article marketing is another great way to gain more newsletter subscribers. To use article marketing you need to write articles that your target market is interested in and submit them to article directions.
When you submit articles you will also be able to submit a Resource Box with them. Your Resource Box is a paragraph at the end of your article that tells the reader more about you and links to your web site.
Use your Article Resource Box to let your readers know about your newsletter and how to subscribe to your newsletter.
- Search Engine Optimization. Do you want to get more newsletter subscribers from search engines? To do that, optimize your web pages for search engines. More search engine traffic means more people coming to your web site and you can convert more of them into your newsletter subscribers.
- Blogging. Do you have a blog? Your blog can be a magnet for new newsletter subscribers if you use it properly. To do that, make sure that information about your newsletter is listed prominently on your blog. That way your blog readers will be able to visit your blog and subscribe to your newsletter as well.
- Free Teleseminars. This is a very popular method for building your list. To use free teleseminars to build your list, you will need to find out teleseminar topics that your target market is interested in. Once you find these topics, pick one and offer a free teleseminar as a gift to those who subscribe to your newsletter.
Now, repeat this with other topics that your target market is interested in and you will be able to build your list fast!
As you can see, there are many different methods to build your list. Use at least one of the methods described above and start building your list today from here!
To learn the step-by-step process of using social networking, free teleseminars, article marketing and other techniques to build your list, get the Build Your List Home Study Guide at
As you know, building your list is extremely important. A targeted list of subscribers will help you get more clients, sell more information products and create an extremely profitable online business.
Here are five best techniques for building your list:
- Social Networking Web Sites. Social networking web sites, such as Twitter, Facebook and others are extremely popular right now. This means that your target market is using Twitter and Facebook and other social networking web sites right now!
You should also start using the social networking web sites where your target market participates. When you get started, you will need to create a profile page on each social networking web site. Make sure to list a link to your newsletter on your profile page - that you way you will be able to gain more newsletter subscribers on these social networking web sites.
- Article Marketing. Article marketing is another great way to gain more newsletter subscribers. To use article marketing you need to write articles that your target market is interested in and submit them to article directions.
When you submit articles you will also be able to submit a Resource Box with them. Your Resource Box is a paragraph at the end of your article that tells the reader more about you and links to your web site.
Use your Article Resource Box to let your readers know about your newsletter and how to subscribe to your newsletter.
- Search Engine Optimization. Do you want to get more newsletter subscribers from search engines? To do that, optimize your web pages for search engines. More search engine traffic means more people coming to your web site and you can convert more of them into your newsletter subscribers.
- Blogging. Do you have a blog? Your blog can be a magnet for new newsletter subscribers if you use it properly. To do that, make sure that information about your newsletter is listed prominently on your blog. That way your blog readers will be able to visit your blog and subscribe to your newsletter as well.
- Free Teleseminars. This is a very popular method for building your list. To use free teleseminars to build your list, you will need to find out teleseminar topics that your target market is interested in. Once you find these topics, pick one and offer a free teleseminar as a gift to those who subscribe to your newsletter.
Now, repeat this with other topics that your target market is interested in and you will be able to build your list fast!
As you can see, there are many different methods to build your list. Use at least one of the methods described above and start building your list today from here!
To learn the step-by-step process of using social networking, free teleseminars, article marketing and other techniques to build your list, get the Build Your List Home Study Guide at