Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Boom, Boom, Boom, It REALLY works - they pay
Earn $2,560 from a $60 investment:
After the success of P2P, QLx3 (Oxford), and ASD Cash Generator,
"OWS" will be the next Big real earning opportunity with Full proof
to its members. This company is incorporated in Panama!
This program is similar in structure to V-lane Traffic,
in that it has a front end 2x10 matrix you join, and on
the back end it has a passive income vehicle.
The passive income vehicle in this case is an institutional-grade
$60 million Forex trading program that has been averaging 15-20%
per month with some months doing 30%-40% for the last 10 months!
They have been doing live webinars and showing you their actual results,
and how they make you money. So, for those who don't
like the matrix component, just think of it as a monthly fee you
have to pay in order to participate in the passive side!
Do you know $500 compounded for 3 years at 20% per month
will earn you $354,000?
You can just join with $60, and use your earnings to fund your Investment account (Passive Side).
This program has been creating a lot of Buzz in the forums
these past weeks. Mainly due to the 2x10 community forced
matrix. This means that the first 2046 people will be placed
automatically left to right all the way down the first 10 levels.
This will ensure that there are no open spots, and no one
will get left behind and you make at least $2,560.
Because this matrix fills automatically all the way down,
you will not have to sponsor anyone in order to earn from
this matrix.
To give you an idea of how lucrative this matrix can be,
if you are one of the lucky people who gets in early
I have enclosed the company matrix chart.
The matrix has been designed that you only have to pay the $60
one-time. Once you have your first two levels full (just 6 people)
you are in profit in the matrix!
Levels 2-10
02 $10
03 $50
04 $400
05 $80
06 $640
07 $320
08 $1,920
09 $2,560 10 $33,280
Earning you $40,000 per month!
Trust me, this matrix will fill very very fast, so you are
going to want to get in NOW!
The admin has predicted that they will have 10,000+ members
by the end of the first 30 days and 30000+ members in 2 months.
I'm a little more conservative than that, and I'll just say that even
if they only get 50%, we have full matrices at that point!
All of us will be full through level 7-8 within 1-2 Months!
So you can be getting spillover not only from the Company,
but from me and my Upline too.
They have designed a matrix pay plan that is second
to none. By participating in team building you will be
able to leverage a "Network Marketing Income" directly
into our Forex program where you will earn a monthly
return that you can either cash out or continue
to compound according to your personal needs.
Your matrix will be fill up fast!
Remember, people who joined P2P early are now earning
6 figure Incomes every month.
This is a life changing opportunity, with just a $60 price tag,
just click here:
Payment can be made by SolidTrustPay, AlertPay
(can also be used to pay by Credit Card) or Strictpay.
All the best
Labels: passive earnings, passive income
...... Without a bailout paid for by the taxpayers, what will save the financial system? Inflation, of course. The Federal Reserve pumped an additional $630 billion into the global financial system last night, via currency swaps with foreign central banks. It has also tripled the size of its emergency lending to banks and brokers, which will now grow from $100 billion to $450 billion. Said one senior executive at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, "The Fed's balance sheet is about to explode."
What should you do? What we've been telling you for months and months and months. Buy gold and silver bullion. Buy high-quality equities. Buy bonds with good assets, trading at a wide discount. And now, one more thing: Take at least two months worth of cash out of your bank, right away. There's at least a chance now of a real run on the banks. If that happens, the Feds will lock up the cash overnight. I've been in Argentina during a banking crisis. It's horrible. Make sure you've got the cash you need for basic necessities.
"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph." Haile Selassie
Peter J. Shepherd
Volunteer Coordinator, State of Texas
What should you do? What we've been telling you for months and months and months. Buy gold and silver bullion. Buy high-quality equities. Buy bonds with good assets, trading at a wide discount. And now, one more thing: Take at least two months worth of cash out of your bank, right away. There's at least a chance now of a real run on the banks. If that happens, the Feds will lock up the cash overnight. I've been in Argentina during a banking crisis. It's horrible. Make sure you've got the cash you need for basic necessities.
"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph." Haile Selassie
Peter J. Shepherd
Volunteer Coordinator, State of Texas
Labels: bailout
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Buy homes for $999 - proof is here
I just found out that there's a brand new site
that shows anyone how to buy homes as
high as $1 million - but for as low as JUST $1,995!
Or a buy a $500,000 house for the bargin of $999.
You can literally get entire houses for
just 5 on the dollar that would otherwise
costs you $1OO,OOO's.
I'm NOT joking - I'll show you PROOF in a moment!
But what you need to know most is this:
* You can get $1,OOO,OOO homes as low as $1,995!
* You can get them in any county in the United States!
* You can get them all with just 1-3 clicks using just your mouse!
* You can resell them to banks, lenders or any buyers!
* You can resell them for as much as 20 times what you paid!
* You can REPEAT this as often or as little as you want!
And again, it takes just 45 minutes to learn how to do this!
>> My advice would be to move on and get there FAST!
All the best
Labels: bargin houses, buy homes, cheao houses, cheap homes, properties bargin
Huge promo tool offer for 99 cents
I have some BIG news...
For just 99 cents you can access the Internet's most powerful
online marketing tools many of us have ever seen.
These tools are currently helping me and a lot of other people
I know finally make decent money on the Internet.
I don't know if you've ever spent money on advertising tools
that are supposed to help you make money in any income
opportunity. If you have you know that one tool alone can
run you anywhere from $20 to $80.
For just 99 cents you get an entire suite of tools that was
created by marketers, for marketers.
This means you only get what you need and all the
other "fluff" is weeded out.
Bottom line, if you are looking for an easy way to stop
spinning your wheels online and finally figure out how
those successful marketers are making big things
happen online, this is it... and it only costs 99 cents!
Take a quick look at this and I'm here if you have any questions.
All the best
Labels: Advertising, promo tool, traffic builder, traffic gernerator
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Boom, Boom, Boom, It REALLY works - they pay
Earn $2,560 from a $60 investment:
After the success of P2P, QLx3 (Oxford), and ASD Cash Generator, "OWS" will be the next Big real earning opportunity with Full proof to its members. This company is incorporated in Panama!
This program is similar in structure to V-lane Traffic, in that it has a front end 2x10 matrix you join, and on the back end it has a passive income vehicle.
The passive income vehicle in this case is an institutional-grade
$60 million Forex trading program that has been averaging 15-20% per month with some months doing 30%-40% for the last 10 months!
They have been doing live webinars and showing you their actual results, and how they make you money. So, for those who don't
like the matrix component, just think of it as a monthly fee you
have to pay in order to participate in the passive side!
Do you know $500 compounded for 3 years at 20% per month will earn you $354,000?
You can just join with $60, and use your earnings to fund your Investment account (Passive Side).
This program has been creating a lot of Buzz in the forums
these past weeks. Mainly due to the 2x10 community forced
matrix. This means that the first 2046 people will be placed automatically left to right all the way down the first 10 levels.
This will ensure that there are no open spots, and no one
will get left behind and you make at least $2,560.
Because this matrix fills automatically all the way down,
you will not have to sponsor anyone in order to earn from
this matrix.
To give you an idea of how lucrative this matrix can be,
if you are one of the lucky people who gets in early
I have enclosed the company matrix chart.
The matrix has been designed that you only have to pay the $60
one-time. Once you have your first two levels full (just 6 people)
you are in profit in the matrix!
Levels 2-10
02 $10
03 $50
04 $400
05 $80
06 $640
07 $320
08 $1,920
09 $2,560 10 $33,280
Earning you $40,000 per month!
Trust me, this matrix will fill very very fast, so you are
going to want to get in NOW!
The admin has predicted that they will have 10,000+ members
by the end of the first 30 days and 30000+ members in 2 months.
I'm a little more conservative than that, and I'll just say that even
if they only get 50%, we have full matrices at that point!
All of us will be full through level 7-8 within 1-2 Months!
So you can be getting spillover not only from the Company,
but from me and my Upline too.
They have designed a matrix pay plan that is second
to none. By participating in team building you will be
able to leverage a "Network Marketing Income" directly
into our Forex program where you will earn a monthly return that you can either cash out or continue
to compound according to your personal needs.
Your matrix will be fill up fast!
Remember, people who joined P2P early are now earning
6 figure Incomes every month.
This is a life changing opportunity, with just a $60 price tag,
just click here:
Payment can be made by SolidTrustPay, AlertPay
(can also be used to pay by Credit Card) or Strictpay.
All the best
Labels: fast money, high income, money from home, moneymaking
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Boom, Boom, Boom, REAL money, NO sponsoring
Earn $2,560 from a $60 investment:
After the success of P2P, QLx3 (Oxford), and ASD Cash Generator, "OWS" will be the next Big real earning opportunity with Full proof to its members. This company is incorporated in Panama!
This program is similar in structure to V-lane Traffic, in that it has a front end 2x10 matrix you join, and on the back end it has a passive income vehicle.
The passive income vehicle in this case is an institutional-grade
$60 million Forex trading program that has been averaging 15-20% per month with some months doing 30%-40% for the last 10 months!
They have been doing live webinars and showing you their actual results, and how they make you money. So, for those who don't
like the matrix component, just think of it as a monthly fee you
have to pay in order to participate in the passive side!
Do you know $500 compounded for 3 years at 20% per month will earn you $354,000?
You can just join with $60, and use your earnings to fund your Investment account (Passive Side).
This program has been creating a lot of Buzz in the forums
these past weeks. Mainly due to the 2x10 community forced
matrix. This means that the first 2046 people will be placed automatically left to right all the way down the first 10 levels.
This will ensure that there are no open spots, and no one
will get left behind and you make at least $2,560.
Because this matrix fills automatically all the way down,
you will not have to sponsor anyone in order to earn from
this matrix.
To give you an idea of how lucrative this matrix can be,
if you are one of the lucky people who gets in early
I have enclosed the company matrix chart.
The matrix has been designed that you only have to pay the $60
one-time. Once you have your first two levels full (just 6 people)
you are in profit in the matrix!
Levels 2-10
02 $10
03 $50
04 $400
05 $80
06 $640
07 $320
08 $1,920
09 $2,560 10 $33,280
Earning you $40,000 per month!
Trust me, this matrix will fill very very fast, so you are
going to want to get in NOW!
The admin has predicted that they will have 10,000+ members
by the end of the first 30 days and 30000+ members in 2 months.
I'm a little more conservative than that, and I'll just say that even
if they only get 50%, we have full matrices at that point!
All of us will be full through level 7-8 within 1-2 Months!
So you can be getting spillover not only from the Company,
but from me and my Upline too.
They have designed a matrix pay plan that is second
to none. By participating in team building you will be
able to leverage a "Network Marketing Income" directly
into our Forex program where you will earn a monthly return that you can either cash out or continue
to compound according to your personal needs.
Your matrix will be fill up fast!
Remember, people who joined P2P early are now earning
6 figure Incomes every month.
This is a life changing opportunity, with just a $60 price tag,
just click here:
Payment can be made by SolidTrustPay, AlertPay
(can also be used to pay by Credit Card) or U-GotCash.
All the best
Labels: fast money, instant earning, moneymaking, rapid income, speedy return