Saturday, October 27, 2007


Bigger Than Giblink?!

Hello my Friend:

This one should be bigger than Giblink for various reasons:

The front end matrix's can definitely payout far far more
than Giblink. I think this is going to be very strong from
what I have seen so far:

1,000 people in two days, now multiply that!

Giblink is being promoted by thousands of people right now.
The advertising is saturated to be honest.

Secret MLM is getting thousand people per day now,
and hardly anyone is promoting. It is the best time to get people in,

and the return on your promotions will be VASTLY bigger
than promoting Giblink right now.

Plus you will know that the people you will bring in

will be positioned very high up.

In a situation like this, the key is to hit it hard and fast.
If we bring in a strong group of people this early,
they have a chance to do the same, all our people will
be extremely well positioned, and our group can grow very fast.

I am in touch with admin, and they are very responsive.
I think this is going to be huge, and we are in truly at the start.
I am hitting this very hard, and will bring in dozens.

The money in the 3 cycling matrix's is enormous. The front end
money for those who can sponsor can easily be 5 figures.

This is way more front end potential than Giblink.

The masses will come into this to get time/date stamped into the
Secret MLM, single file, and meanwhile the whole thing is driven
by those who sponsor who are going to cycle over and over
through these matrix's and make a fortune. It's really big.

The benefit I offer you, is that I will sponsor many dozens
of people in the next 2 weeks. I have been in for 24 hours
and have 20 sponsored so far. I have barely started.

These will follow me, and some of these will build strong teams,
which will follow me. The way this will work is those who sponsor
will get caught up in the ongoing spillover that I will create from
new sales as well as follow me sales, and that will help YOU
tremendously in your cycling.

I am also full time in the industry and will always be here to
support your team anytime. I will also have various ways and
means to promote to share with my valued team members.

You see, why you have to BE in this NOW!
And remember, if you want, it can be totally PASSIVE:

All the best

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007


You could easily collecting $100 bills, starting today!

Dear Friend:
How are you today?

Did you see the great potential of Secretpays?

It really brings you money fast!

I am here to help.
All the best to you

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

There is a new website out there:

You get help to fund your (internet-)business!

It really works


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Friday, October 12, 2007


Business Fund Raiser

There is a new webiste:

It really helps you to raise the funds for your own business!

See you there

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Best News for YOU: I promise: I will rock your world doing all for You!


I promise: I will rock your world doing all for You!

Hello my Friend:

I just wanted to let you know that after a VERY long wait,
the 12 Month Internet Millionaire is FINALLY live...
And you are going to DIE when you see the price...

Just pay and bring your earnings to the bank,
I will do all other for you.
I have some very fast action bonuses...
go fast before they are
gone. :)


Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Important Anouncement, Content nearly banned

Hello my Friend:

I am quite sure you have already received
some e-mails from friends

and other successful internet marketers
about the much awaited

opening of The Underground Cash Secret Program
from Jason the

legendary underground wealth wizard.

Today, October 2nd at 7am EST Jason will
be opening the doors to a

few lucky people. Membership is strictly
invite only, and I have

managed to secure some exclusive
invites for my friends.

Here is your exclusive signup link:

I recommend you take advantage of this
opportunity quickly though,

as only 50 exclusive invites were
secured through my exclusive

signup link and it is strictly first
come first serve.

Your Friend In Success,

PS: If you receive:

'Service Temporarily Unavailable'

Please try it again! Some people do not like that this site is up.
So may be you have to try several times to get in:


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